
BCG Matrix of Tronica Electronics by my assignment help

While Tronica has a low relative market share, the high growth in the electronics market places the company at the “Question Mark” Stage of the BCG Matrix. This means that the company has the option of either divesting or improving the current business environment. This report recommends improving the current business environment as the company has strengths like core competency and strong brand equity which will help it in tiding over the difficult period.  

Figure 1: BCG Matrix


Based on the SWOT Analysis, the following objectives are arrived at for the change process

1.    Developing long-term supplier relationships for at least 60% of component parts by 2012

2.    Reduction in customer complaints due to delay in delivery by 50% in next six months

3.    Posting 10% y-o-y growth in both profits and revenues by 2012


At present, the company is lacking a vision or “alignment of perspectives”. Before a change in management setup is made, it is important to understand the conditions which led to the current attitude of the management. The company has been a family-owned business since 1930s. Most family owned business face a problem of succession especially during the third and later generations. Research has shown that only one in three businesses is successfully passed on to the third generation (Schooley, 2004). The ratio for later generations is even worse. This lack of planning on how to transfer the ownership of business is evident in the case of Tronica Electronics. Apparently too much power is vested on the CEO of the organization with little or no direct accountability. The owners are either uninterested in the business or are unaware of the internal environment of the business. There is a need to make the top management more accountable for the company’s financial performance.

There is also a lack of well defined Human Resource (HR) policies and internal processes which means that arbitrary appointments and nepotism is prevalent in the organization. This has negatively affected the workers’ confidence. Many of them have left the organization in the last few years due to this reason. The company is also finding it difficult to recruit the best talent due to ambiguous recruitment policies. The internal processes need a revamp so that employees cannot take advantage of their positions.

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