
The Invisibility of Scientific Revolutions

The Scientific Revolutions are different from political revolutions in that they do not create any uproar. They are silent revolutions. But since the paradigm shift which is their consequence is not viewed as revolution but only as an attachment or addition to the existing scientific knowledge.

Should scientific revolution go unnoticed? Should they not be noticed even though the benefits provided by them are tangible? Propriety doesn’t agree.

It is left to scientific textbooks to create an image for scientific discoveries. Textbooks are the instruments of permanent record for scientific inventions. Textbooks are useful for laymen and scientists as records of the history of science. So it is necessary that Science textbooks are rewritten after the occurrence of scientific revolutions. Vivid descriptions of the efforts of the scientists who are instruments of these revolutions usually give the right picture of the progress of the scientific inventions.

But there is one problem with the textbooks written in the above manner.The details of previous theorists and paradigms make the history of science evolutionary, linear and cumulative. Such representations make scientific revolutions invisible. The representations give an incorrect view that development of science and arrival at the present stage is by individual efforts and is like a building built brick by brick. This is not a true picture of the revolutionary nature of science and misleads both layman as well as the scientists about its true nature.                         

It is interesting to analyze as to how the new proponents of a new paradigm win the others to their side and succeed in overthrowing an existing paradigm. What must be the reasons that prompt others to abandon their research and join new one?

When the new paradigm is introduced, it is not immediately accepted. It will have very few supporters. There is what is called a testing period during which the new theory should prove continuously right and the old one should keep on failing. If the proponents and supporters of the new paradigm are capable, they make it more expensive and explore new avenues expanding its horizons and vindicate the importance of belonging to a community on the verge of a new scientific theory. Their persistent support galvanizes number of supporters for the new paradigm. There will be plethora of explorations, experiments, articles and books based on their support. More and more persuasive arguments flow in. The popularity and number of scientists supporting the new paradigm trigger a sort of chain reaction, each one increasing on the sight of the other increasing. A few hard core supporters of the old paradigm may remain steadfast but they become unnoticeable after sometime. 

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What is Law of Contract? Assignment Help Answers It For You.

          The present case offers an interesting insight into various issues pertaining to Law of contract and Law of agency. In this regard, it is submitted that the Law of contract and agency is largely based on the common law principles of equity. For the purpose of rendering advice to Janapada, analysis of facts along with a few factual assumptions has to be made. Harry Redford was appointed as the sole selling of Janapada for Western Europe for a period of three year in March 2009. In October 2009, admittedly he entered into a three year contract worth $ 6 million per year as Janapada’s agent, with a Singaporean importer to supply meat. However this was done without reference to Janapada and beyond his express authority.
The facts of the case so far reveal that the agreement entered into by Redford was beyond his authority and as such, an unenforceable contract because he did not have the authority to bind Janapada. The reason behind this assumption is that he was the sole agent for Western Europe and not Asian Countries.

However the next statement in the facts discloses that the contract was otherwise being performed properly till May 2010. This clarifies that Janapada ratified the contract entered into by Redford which has the effect of making the contract a valid and enforceable one. As a result of this advice to Janapada on the first issue would be that the contract with IndiBeef is a legally valid and enforceable one. The important factor out here is the fact that IndiBeef has already received supply of meat from Janapada and in effect, Janapada has ratified the contract by implication. Once the third party has received something in pursuance of the agreement that it believed to be true and valid since its inception, then the right of repudiation of the agreement rests with the principal. In this case, as Janapada ratified Redford’s agreement by supplying beef to IndiBeef for a period of more than seven months, by implication, the Janapada has ratified the agreement with retrospective effect. It is submitted here that even though the agreement at the time of its inception was voidable, it was voidable at the option of the supplier, i.e. Janapada and not at the option of the importer, i.e. IndiBeef.

The advice to Janapada on the second issue would be that Harry Redford is entitled to payment of commission subject to the rate as per Queensland Law. The rationale behind this is again the act of ratification by his principal. In case that the agreement entered into by Redford was repudiated by Janapada at the time of its inception, then Redford would not have been eligible to receive any commission from Janapad as his agreement in itself was without any authority. However, Janapad went ahead with the performance of contract by supplying the beef to importer resulting in the ratification of contract. Janapada cannot take a stance that it would like to retain the benefits of the contract with IndiBeef as the deal was extremely profitable and at the same time deny Redford commission for the deal.

The last part of the advice sought by Janapada actually is dependent on the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties vide the written agency agreement. If the agency agreement carried a clause prohibiting Redford from soliciting business from Asian Countries or to the effect that he would not be able to receive any commission while liable to have his agency contract terminated in the event, he breaches the aforementioned clause.

However, it is highly unlikely that agency agreement would be having such a strong exclusionary clause. Assuming that the agreement stipulated that Harry Redford would be the sole selling agent for the Janapad Beef for the region of Western Europe but there was no prohibitive clause restricting him from soliciting any business from Singapore in particular and Asian Countries in general. Under such a circumstance Janapada would not have been able to terminate the agency agreement with Harry Redford.
There is another possible scenario is that just like Janapada entered into an agency contract appointing him as the sole selling agent for Western Europe, similarly Janapada could have appointed a different sole selling agent for a different area such as Asia and in that case, acts of Harry Redford would be illegal and in that case agency agreement of Harry Redford would be liable to be terminated.

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How Can Nurses Do Pain Management?

Nurses play an implicating role in critical care. They should provide the patient with explanations that give information about the procedures they will undergo and should also inform them about the sensory changes which they may experience.  These efforts would help decrease distress and anxiety, both of which are the known causatives of pain and discomfort.
Patients should be taught that the discomfort will be experienced by them for a short interval of time after their surgery and it will be similar to an achy feeling in their lower back. Nurses should inform them about the level of bed rest that will be required, which turns out to be a tiring effort. The nurse should explain & teach the patient with the coping skills, for this an assessment of how an individual copes with pain will be required. A pain relief strategy will be formed based on the coping capacity of the patient and strategies such as relaxation, book reading, listening to music, and / or using analgesics would be suggested to facilitate the pain management process. Giving the patient rubs, position change, imagery, provision of foam mattresses etc. would also help.

 Health Promotion & Prevention
The health promotion and prevention activities would include effective guidelines given to the patient during the discharge. After discharge, the patient has to be taught about how to take care of the site of intervention, how he should be able to recognize symptoms and signs of complications, and what lifestyle changes should be brought so that the risk factors are reduced.
Allied Health Team would be taken for assistance, the important members would be :
  1. Dietician - to provide the patient with adequate health diet.
  2. Physiotherapist- to instruct patient about the exercises required and to facilitate early recovery.
  3. Counsellor – To counsel the patient, so as to keep him socially active and facilitate a speedy recovery. To educate the patient about his health, the complications he can face and the precautionary measures he has to take.
  4. Other Staff members which indirectly assist in making the hospital a patient friendly place and ensure early recovery.
Patient Education is of vital importance so as to assist the patient and the family to get back to normalcy.
The education should involve the need for frequent assessment of vital signs, diagnostic tests, etc. Patient should report to the hospital if he finds any numbness or pain on the affected limb, or right/left lower quadrant pain. He should be emphasized that the affected limb should not be bent. Also the patient should lie in a straight position.
Instructions should be provided about all medications and their susceptive unfavorable effects. Also, before stopping the medications intake, the patient should be instructed to consult the doctor.
Pain management protocols to be instructed carefully, the dosages of analgesics should be limited to the drug dosage prescribed.
While being at the hospital and post discharge also, the patient and the family should be instructed to notify the signs and symptoms of toxicity like anorexia, nausea, depression, vertigo, blurred vision, etc.
For treatments of recurrent chest pains, the patient has to be instructed about the dosages of sublingual nitroglycerin.
Proper dietary instructions should be followed. The patient should restrict to a low-sodium, low-fat, or low-cholesterol diet; a list of foods to avoid has to be provided by the Dietician. The exercise program for cardiac rehabilitation has to be designed by the physiotherapist or the physiologist and then given to the patient explaining the level of exercise to be done.
Measures of coping with depression and stress should be instructed and if needed the patient should be subjected to support groups, in case a smoking cessation is required.
Ensuring that the patient follows all the protocols instructed is of necessity and to be taken care of by the family members.
It is of vital importance that the Nurses in the critical care areas of the hospital as well as elsewhere are a critical thinker, the nurses should be able to recognize the focus of care to be provided. The recognition of patient’s biophysical and psychosocial need enables an effective health management and recovery process for the individual. Nurses should understand their multidimensional and focused myriad roles, namely being an educator, counselor, helper, family member, friend, etc. so as to ensure that the patient can relate to the hospital care and facilities.

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